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Read on to find out what we have been up to in Reception this week.

The children have been exploring our real life superheroes - the people who are in our community that help us. They have thought carefully about what jobs they do and why they are important. The children have thoroughly enjoyed making their own superhero masks and acting out the different roles. The art focus for this week has been for the children to create their own superhero skyline collage using a variety of skills over the week as they progressed to their end product.  They started by painting their background and using collage of black and yellow paper to make the buildings and windows. We then took photos of the children as a superhero flying through the sky!  In their writing books, the children chose a picture of someone who helps them and then they used colourful semantics to help them write their sentences. They focused on writing all the sounds in each word, using capital letters, finger spaces and a full stop at the end of each sentence.  In maths, the children have been securing their understanding of numbers to 10 and being able to subitise and understand the composition of numbers to 10. We posed questions such as, if 10 is my whole, what can the parts be?  This week, Topaz had their first aid training; all children have now been taught what they should do if a friend or family member is hurt, when to use a plaster or an icepack and when to call 999 if someone needs medical help.






Key messages 

  • Donations of old leggings/trousers, tights and compost would be hugely appreciated.

  • Please could you give us donations of clean recycling so that we can do some junk modeling. We specifically would love: egg boxes, small boxes, toilet rolls.

  • For this half term our topic is ‘superheroes’, including ‘people who help us’. We would love for the children to see a real life superhero and hear about what they do on a daily basis. If you are a doctor, dentist, police officer, firefighter etc., or know someone who would be willing to come and talk to Reception, please contact Miss Taylor or Mrs Boyce through the EYFS inbox.