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Read on to find out what has been happening in Year 1&2

Year 1

What a lovely second week of term we’ve had in Year 1. In English, we have continued to read and explore our story Beegu. We have been learning all about adjectives and have been spotting what different adjectives we can use to describe things around us. In our writing we have been describing what Beegu looks like. We have loved further exploring our artist Yayoi Kusama again this week and were inspired by her artwork, so we had a go at making our own. Using different sized and textured objects, we printed using paint and patterns in our sketchbooks. It was so much fun to see which objects created the best patterns and which we liked best. In geography, we looked at an aerial map of our school and spotted different areas such as the field, the playground and our classrooms. We used our geographical knowledge of what the areas look like and what they are next to, to be detectives and find our locations on the map. In maths, we have been continuing to consolidate our reception maths knowledge of numbers to 10 and have been using 1 to 1 correspondence to carefully count objects. We also practiced writing our numbers to 10, being careful to write one number in each box on the page.

Key Messages

  • Key vocab: adjective, aerial map, senses, Yayoi Kusama

  • KIRFs: number bonds to 7

  • PE days are Wednesday and Friday 

  • Please bring in reading books to change on Monday

  • The Vineyard Adventures - taking learning outdoors (forest school) will start on the week of the 25th - Diamond Thursday afternoon, Sunstone Friday morning, Amber Friday afternoon. We will inform you of your child's groups next week

Year 2

We have not just been planning our retelling of Goldilocks in English but acting it out too!  The children enjoyed their dramatic moments creating the forest and characters whilst building up their imagination and confidence.  In maths, we have looked at different ways of partitioning 2-digit numbers using our understanding of tens and ones.  This can be made with objects, drawn or written as numerals and words.  In science, we have been asking lots of questions: what came first, the chicken or the egg? Did you know that it is not just birds that lay eggs?  Do all offspring look like their parents ? There has been a lot of fun in geography too, as classes have shown their geographical skills whilst using atlases and knowledge of the four main compass points to identify parts of the UK.  Orla Kiely is our focus artist this term, and we have enjoyed spotting her familiar patterns.

  • Key vocab: adjectives, sentence openers, tens, ones, place value, partition, life cycle, capital cities: London, Edinburgh, Cardiff, Belfast, north, east, south, west

  • KIRFs: Writing numbers as words to 20, number bonds to 20

  • Year 2 children are provided with daily fruit. Please do not feel that you need to send fruit in (unless you would like to). 

  • Please start collecting pine cones and leaves for our printing lesson which will be taking place WC 25th September. Please also hang onto any household items (like bottle caps and toilet roll tubes) that could also be used for printing.