Dear all families,
Dear families,
It has been a wonderful week! I have been very lucky to be able to watch our youngest children perform in their nativity play. Who knew Little Red Riding Hood was actually Mary or that The Three Little Pigs were the Wise Men? The children were brilliant - they had learnt their speaking lines; all the words to the songs and knew exactly when to come on and off stage. Well done to them all and a huge thank you to their teachers and support staff for getting them ready.
It has been a week for trips! Year 3 visited Buster Farm to learn more about and consolidate their learning on The Stone Age in history. In Year 4 the children went to The Wetlands Centre in Barnes to support their learning in geography on biomes and climate change. Year 6 went to the Hindu temple in Wimbledon as part of their unit in RE. Trips are a very valuable part of the children’s learning and really help the learning come to life. We wouldn’t be able to offer them without your financial support so a huge thank you to all of you who have paid for your child’s trip.
If that is not enough we had a huge array of Christmas jumpers being worn in school on Thursday and the library has been transformed into Santa’s grotto. Santa has been in school all day and there have been elves running all over the place. And then the fair! Thank you so much to the PTA and any other volunteers who have helped in any way to organise both Santa’s visit and the fair. These are huge events which the children love and will remember for many years. They bring a real sense of community and the sense of excitement and fun is fantastic.
Wishing a lovely weekend.