Dear all families,
How did we get to the 1st of December so quickly? Time is flying by – a sign that children and staff are busy, hard at work and having fun as we progress through the term.
It was quite a shock standing at the gate on Tuesday as a raft of Victorians arrived at school! Year 1 went back in history and learnt about what it was like to go to school when Queen Victoria was on the throne. Their desks were in rows, they did
their work on chalk boards, and learnt about, but did not experience, the realities of discipline at that time. This experiential learning really does support knowledge moving from our short to our long-term memory. If they are able to attach new knowledge to a memorable experience, they are much more likely to hold this in their long term memory for longer. Thank you to all who have either paid their £100 donation or paid their first instalment. Sadly, school budgets don't stretch as far as we would like to fully support this sort of learning, so your financial contributions are essential. Thank you and I hope you can see that the money directly benefits the children.
That's not all for enriched learning this week, as Year 3 went to Buster farm to learn more about what life was like in the Stone Age. They went on a Stone Age exploration and took part in a Bronze Age jewellery-making session. It was a great day! A year 5 class visited the Buddhist Temple in Wimbledon and the rest of the year group will go next week. This trip supported the year 5 RE curriculum.

I am very proud to share that Miss Foster said the year 6 boys who she took to a borough football team were courageous - playing as a team, learning from mistakes and standing up for one another. They showed respect for both the referees and tournament organisers, listening carefully to them and speaking with confidence. It is wonderful to hear how our children are real ambassadors for The Vineyard when they take part in events in the borough.
Next week, our youngest children will be performing in their nativity plays at 9.30am:
- Tuesday - Topaz class
- Wednesday - Opal class
- Thursday - Jade class
They have been practising hard, and I am very excited to watch them in action.
Wishing you a wonderful weekend,
Frances Bracegirdle
Headteacher -