Dear families,
I love a camping trip, and when it comes to the British weather, it is all about being prepared with a rain coat and a woolly hat. Year 5 had a wonderful residential trip to Hooke Court this week and as many of you read this, they are on their way back contented, but exhausted! The activities were great fun and the children really rose to the challenge of organising themselves independently. Another proud moment for me!
Last week, GEMS went on their first school trip to Hobbledown farm. The children thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Year 1 visited Brooklands museum and enjoyed seeing concorde.
Our team of children who took part in the Borough Sports event last week were great competitors and, as always, brilliant ambassadors for The Vineyard. Well done to the whole team for taking part and, in true Vineyard style, showing great resilience.
Hopefully, I will see many of you at our summer fair tomorrow. Gates open at 12pm. Thank you to the PTA and all volunteers who have helped arrange this event. It will be a fun-filled afternoon for all in our community.
Please remember, if you ever need to contact me, nothing is too small, do send me an email or speak to me on the gate. If you don't get a reply from my email, please check your junk box and if there is nothing there, send me a gentle reminder.
Wishing you a wonderful weekend and for those celebrating, a very happy Eid.
Frances Bracegirdle
Headteacher -