Dear families,
I hope you had a lovely break and were able to enjoy lots of family time. Hoping the celebrations have gone well for those who celebrated Eid or Easter during the break. With this, we continue to think about those families who are affected by the conflicts that are happening in the world today.
It has been a wonderful start to the summer term. The children are all back raring
to go; the children started their learning with great enthusiasm and excitement from day one. In year 1, children have been using manipulatives (numicon, plastic ducks, beads, counters) in maths. These physical objects help children understand new concepts by allowing them to actually touch them and manipulate them in their hands. This heightens
engagement and gives them another opportunity to prove/disprove their findings.
Year 6 got stuck into their design and technology project and made burgers. They had to think about the ingredients, allergens and nutritional value of their burgers. The children said they were delicious! Year 3 visited Hampton Court to support their learning about the Tudors last term and had many stories to share on their return.
I am sure you have noticed our banner advertising the fact that we have some spaces available for Reception in September 2024. In many boroughs in London, there has been a falling birth rate and a higher family migration out of London, which has resulted in a decrease in demand for school places and a reduction in total applications this year. In Richmond, applications are down by 2.2%, which means many schools have places available.
Lastly, I have the delightful news to share that Miss McArdle has given birth to healthy twins! Both mum and babies are doing very well. I am sure you all join me in sending Miss McArdle and her family huge congratulations.
Wishing you a wonderful weekend,
Frances Bracegirdle
Headteacher -