Dear all families,
It has certainly rained a lot this week but that has not affected the spirit of the children at school. As I pop in and out of classrooms I see engaged, courageous learners who are confident to ‘have a go’. We all know that it is by making mistakes that we learn and as a school we really believe that by creating a safe space for the children they feel able to make ‘marvellous mistakes’ which we can then celebrate and build on.
Hopefully when you pop in to volunteer or meet the teachers for the parent teacher meetings you will notice the wonderful art which is up in the corridors. Year 6 have produced collages which were influenced by Eloise Renouf. Year 2 have designed wallpaper in the style of Orla Kiely and in Year 4 they have designed and made Islamic clay tiles. Please do have a look at the art curriculum, on the website, to find out more about what the children learn at The Vineyard.
Please see the link to our new school uniform policy. You will see some items can now be worn without logos and this to fall in line with government guidelines.
Thank you to Mr Murphy and Mrs Thompson for all the hard work they have put into organising anti-bullying week. The children have talked about this vital topic in assemblies, workshops and in their classes. It is by raising awareness about bullying that we can irradicate it.
Christmas is coming…I am thoroughly enjoying hearing the children practising carols and other Christmas songs as I walk past the music room. Do check the calendar on the website to find out what is happening between now and Christmas. Reception are taking part in nativity plays - always a tear jerker - KS1 are putting on a Christmas performance and KS2 in carol services at St Matthias Church. Not forgetting: Christmas Jumper day, Christmas lunch AND the PTA Christmas fair - lots to get us all in the celebratory mood!
Please ensure you scroll right through to the bottom of the newsletter. You will see links to phase news and spots news. The upcoming dates are also highlighted at the bottom.
On to the football world cup! Good luck England!
Frances Bracegirdle