Dear all families,
I hope you saw our instagram post which had pictures of some of our year 4 children playing their viola’s for their parents. They have worked so hard and they sounded really good.
As you know parent teacher meetings are coming up next week. These should be useful meetings to find out about how your child/ren are getting on at school. There will be an opportunity to look in their books too. See information below.
As part of our efforts to streamline our communications we are putting everything in this weekly newsletter. Please ensure you scroll down to the bottom to see the weekly phase news which will contain year group specific information. The website calendar is up and running so please do check this too.
Thank you to all who came to the workshop on how we teach maths at The Vineyard, we hope you found it useful. For those who were unable to attend, we will be hosting another workshop which will be filmed- date TBC. In the meantime, please find the slides here. Well done to Mr Jackson for delivering such a brilliant workshop.
There are lots of school trips coming up which the children are really excited about. Please ensure that you pay for these on pay360 as these trips will only be able to go ahead if we collect enough money. If you have any problems with pay360 please contact the office via We really do appreciate your support so the children can benefit from these valuable experiences.
Remember to scroll down to the bottom of this newsletter to check you don't miss anything and then click on your phase group page for information about what your child has been learning.
If you ever have any questions please do not hesitate to get in touch with me via I am always interested to hear your feedback and happy to answer your questions.
Wishing you all a wonderful weekend.
Frances Bracegirdle