Dear all families,
A huge well done to all of our Year 6 children who have completed their SATs (standardised assessment tests) this week. I am so proud of the way they have approached these tests. They have behaved very maturely, stayed calm and taken the opportunity to show off their learning with confidence. Thank you to the Year 6 teaching team, who prepared the children brilliantly, so they were ready. Thank you also for all the help you have given your children at home. It is definitely a team effort between home and school. Completing the nightly reading homework, practising times tables around the dinner table and supporting them with their targets have all contributed to the children being able to perform to their personal best this week. They are off to Osmington Bay next week for a well deserved week of fun activities.
I hope you enjoyed the Coronation Street Party organised by the PTA last Friday. I am sure you will agree that it was a fantastic community event. These events cannot happen without our wonderful volunteers who give up their time to ensure our children and families have opportunities to get together and enjoy being part of the school family.
Tomorrow morning a group of families and some staff will be doing some planting in the reception outdoor classroom. If you have any spare time between 9am and 12pm, a small bag of compost and a plant or two, do pop along. I've heard a whisper that there maybe a cup of tea or coffee and a biscuit available.
I really hope the weather starts to improve. Sadly, there is no bank holiday this week, but it will be lovely to see the children at the gate on Monday morning ready for another week of learning.
Wishing you a lovely weekend,
Frances Bracegirdle
Headteacher -