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Reception News

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Week beginning 12th May 2023

It’s been all about minibeasts in Reception this week. We have been keeping a close eye on our class caterpillars and noticed they have all transformed into a chrysalis. We have been learning about habitats and where our favourite minibeasts live and displaying all the facts we know by writing a mini fact book. In our habitat learning, we thought about hot, dry, wet and cold place and the animals that might live there. 

In maths, we have been creating an addition maths story by using the keywords first, then and now and representing it with pictures and numerals.

Now we know so many red words, we have been working hard to use them in sentences. We have also been busy exploring different learning spaces and enjoying the sunshine and showers in the learning garden.

In P.E. we played 'the floor is lava' and the children challenged themselves to not touch the floor! 

Keywords: first, then and now, minibeast, habitat, hot, wet, dry, cold 

This week, we have been reading:


Key Messages:

Planting Morning Thank you to all those that have signed up to help on Saturday. We are looking forward to adding some colour and beauty to our learning garden! 

Ugly Bug Ball We would like to invite the children to dress up as a minibeast for our Ugly Bug Ball! This is taking place on Thursday 25th May. Your child could dress up as a caterpillar, a spider, a ladybird, an ant...the options are plentiful! Our Ugly Bug Ball will be a great way to finish our minibeast learning and as part of this day, the children will learn and perform a minibeast song.