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Reception News

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Week beginning 13th March

This week, the children continued to consolidate their learning of number bonds to ten in our soft starts. Our main focus in Maths has been revising the names of the 2D shapes and learning to identify which 2D shapes they can see in the 3D shapes. We investigated the similarities and differences of different shapes and experimented to find out which shapes can stack, roll or slide.


We have had a very exciting week in literacy as The Evil Pea captured some of the vegetables and fruits at The Vineyard School!  The children have made wanted posters to see if anyone can help to find The Evil Pea. The teachers are very proud of all the children's amazing writing this week! Some of the children have made their own Evil Pea from play dough, turned their own fruit and vegetables into superhero characters and searched for clues in the learning garden to help find the Evil Pea.


This week, we have been reading Supertato stories!

Supertato: Hendra, Sue, Linnet, Paul: 9780857074478: BooksSupertato Veggies Assemble: Hendra, Sue, Linnet, Paul:  9781471121005: BooksSupertato Night of the Living Veg by Sue Hendra and Paul Linnet – The Book  NookSupertato Veggies in the Valley of Doom : Hendra, Sue, Linnet, Paul: Books

Key Messages:

P.E. Kits on Monday: Please can the children wear their P.E. kits to school on Monday ready for their dance workshop. They will also need their P.E. kits as usual on Wednesday. 

Creative Arts Week: Creative Arts Week is next week and will end with our whole school art exhibition on Friday 24th March. Reception families can visit the art exhibition between 2.30pm-3.15pm. Please check SchoolPing for messages about next week's events and for any payments needed.