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Gems News

Come and find out what Gems have been up to here!

This week in Gems we looked back on our trip to Terrace Gardens and talked about our journey, crossing roads, going to the café and buying a drink. It was good to be out in the community and practise our road safety and social awareness. In Maths, we have been continuing to learn and recognise the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. We are becoming more familiar with the Zones of Regulation as part of our topic lessons and talked about what it means to feel green, blue, yellow or red and discussed strategies to help us stay or get back to the green zone. In phonics, we have been learning the sound ‘n’ and recapping last week’s sound ‘i’. Please continue phonics work at home if you can. We also find that Alphablocks, Number Blocks and RWI songs on their websites are a great source of fun and education. We have begun our Nativity rehearsals and the children are learning the Makaton for their opening song. It will be a rewarding day to see the Gems pupils performing with their mainstream peers. Please see below for the dates of times of the performances.


Key messages 

  • Please practise writing and saying the set 1 sounds at home, using the phonics website by Ruth Miskin to help you. 


  • Reading books: please note we don’t expect children to be able to read the story books that they have chosen to bring home. They are for you to read to them. 

  • The Nativity performances are at 9.30am: 5th December (Topaz), 6th December (Opal), 7th December (Jade).

  • Pick up time for Gems pupils is 3pm. Please try to be prompt so we can maximise the time we have to set up for the next day’s learning.