KS1 News

Come and find out what KS1 have been up to!
Year 1
We have had another lovely week in Year 1 and have been getting stuck into our wider curriculum subjects. In English this week we have begun reading a new story called The Storm Whale and have been sequencing pictures from the book into the right order. We then challenged ourselves to write a short caption about what is happening in each picture. We particularly enjoyed drawing our own story maps in our free learning time and re-telling the story to each other. In art, we were introduced to the skill of stippling and discussed how it can make sketches come alive and look 3D. We practised stippling gradually to show how more stipples can make our sketches look more or less shaded. We then enjoyed stippling onto a circle to create a 3D sphere! In geography, we have continued to build on our map reading and interpreting skills and put them to test to be detectives and find the hidden letters in the Year 1 learning garden. Once we had found a letter, we carefully marked where we had found it on our maps. We then worked as a team to unscramble the letters and find the hidden word. It was…… Richmond!
Key Messages
Key vocab: sequence, map, stipple, dim, bright
KIRFs: number bonds to 9
PE days are Wednesday and Friday
Please bring in reading books to change on Monday
The Vineyard Adventures - taking learning outdoors (forest school) will start on the week of the 25th - Diamond Thursday afternoon, Sunstone Friday mornings, Amber Friday afternoon. We will inform you of your child's groups next week.
Year 2
In English, it has been interesting to explore a different way of telling the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears in Anthony Browne ‘s book Me and You. We have created our own settings for the story including desert islands, mountains and caves. We are finishing the focus on place value in maths and the children have shown their conceptual understanding of the 2, 3, 5 and 10 times tables. You probably having budding photographers due to the fantastic engagement with our computing topic this term. The children have been reviewing how their pictures could be framed effectively. In Geography, there has been lots of discussion on the features of a capital city and what makes London a great one! It has been fantastic to hear the children’s knowledge of the underground and key landmarks. Further questions and have been asked about life cycle of animals in science and how they might compare with a human’s growth. There has also been lots of dancing this week too during the PE lesson. Everyone has had a chance to show the different ways they can move to music - such fun!
Key Messages
Key vocab: number line, intervals, growth, city, town, village, portrait, landscape
KIRFs: Writing numbers as words to 20, number bonds to 20
As the cooler weather approaches, we would be grateful for any donations of tissues for the classrooms.