KS1 News

Come and find out what KS1 have been up to this week!
Year 1
This week in geography the children loved acting as weather presenters to describe the daily weather forecast in London, Edinburgh, Belfast or Cardiff. In science, we learnt the names for the parts of trees. We went outside to identify the root, trunk, branches and leaves on different trees and then labelled a diagram. Year 1 put their collaging skills into practice by creating their own interpretation of Matisse’s ‘The Snail’ in art. Linked to our art unit, we have started the book ‘Matisse’s Magical Trail’ in English. The children have been applying their reading comprehension skills to make inferences and predictions about the story and using adjectives to describe the snail. In maths, we have been building on our knowledge of numbers to 20 by adding and subtracting within 20.
Key Messages:
Reminder - all reading books are changed on a Thursday and returned on Fridays. Reading records should be in bags everyday.
This week’s common exception words were the days of the week Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
This week’s KIRFS learning counting backwards in 5s (consolidate counting forwards in 5s).
Year 2
The children have been building on their knowledge of physical and human features by using Google Earth to explore the United Kingdom and compare the capital cities. We started our new approach to English with a collaborative dive into Roald Dahl’s version of Cinderella (pictured), looking for all the elements that make the writing interesting such as expanded noun phrases, conjunctions, inverted commas and speech and similes. Supporting our multiplication and division topic in maths has involved repetition of counting in twos and tens. Keith Haring continues to be a hit with the children and they have enjoyed using his “bright”, “energetic” and “dramatic” colours in their art sketchbooks. We are continuing our multi sports skills during our indoor PE lessons and have had great fun working as a team.
Key Messages:
Please remember to keep Reading Records and books in bags and bring to school everyday. Do let your teacher know if they have been lost.
This week’s spelling rule is the suffix y’ as in runny, baggy and spotty