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Read on to find out what has been happening in years 3&4

Year 3

At the time of writing, the children are eagerly anticipating their first fieldwork day at The Vineyard! We will draw upon our knowledge of the River Thames from geography lessons, and observe the river from the Turner viewpoint. We’ll then meander through Terrace Gardens to the riverside, and pause to consider our sensory experience in a more secluded, rural part of the river compared to a more urbanised area. We’ll consider the use of the river, and discuss its physical and man-made features. We’ll then explore our local area using ‘Digimaps’ software once we’re back at school, and use our knowledge of maps to plot the areas we visited and the observations we made. 

The children loved the final art lesson of the unit, taking inspiration from Paul Klee, and using their new techniques to draw and paint an animal of their choice. In science, we learnt that bigger bones and longer muscles don’t always lead to longer jumping, and we reflected upon the importance of testing fairly and evaluating in a considered way.

Key Messages

  • Key vocab: femur, tibia, fibula, physical features/man-made features (considering a river), exchange

  • KIRFs: adding and subtracting tens and hundreds

  • Spellings: -ture (suffix, e.g. adventure). Children can learn last week’s ‘ly’ suffix as well as this week’s ‘ture’ suffix ready for a quiz during our week back after half-term!

Other messages: Please remember purple homework spelling books are to be brought to school on Mondays, and reading records every day but most importantly, on Mondays for stamping! Thank you

Year 4

Year 4 have had a busy week gearing up for our geography field trip, with the disco on Wednesday, drawing on tables in science and performing our poems in English.

In Maths this week, we have been using our number bonds to add and subtract. We have tackled this with counters and blocks, and applied our knowledge to the column method. In English, we have been writing poems inspired by our reading for pleasure book ‘Fintan Fedora, The World's Worst Explorer’. Why don't you ask your children what MORERAPS stands for? In science, we have researched the water cycle and drawn it on tables to show our understanding. As an introduction to our science topic of livings things and their habitats, why don't you watch Planet Earth 3 starting this Saturday? In computing, we have been recording our final Podcasts! The children have spoken around the subject, School News and completed their final edit this week.

Key Messages

  • Key vocab: column method, exchange, water cycle, field work.

  • KIRFs: Please continuing doing TTRS regularly

  • Spellings: (Starting next week: adding the prefix inter-)