LKS2 News

Read on to find out what we have been up to in Years 3 & 4 this week.
Year 3
Year 3 had an extraordinarily exciting start to the week as a representative of the Dogs Trust delivered an assembly to the children about how to stay safe around dogs. This learning was reinforced with a workshop for each class in which children role played, answered quiz questions and demonstrated their excellent learning and mature responses to how we can support and stay safe with pets - whether our own or those belonging to others.
Our new English text has seen the children intrigued about lighthouses, how they work, and their developments and changes throughout history. They are working towards an instructional piece of writing, in which they will explain how to create a model lighthouse.*
In science, the children have loved learning about the reproduction of plants, and they carefully sequenced the processes of pollen transportation, pollenation, fertilisation and seed dispersal.
In maths we have waved goodbye to fractions and welcomed the arrival of our new topic - mass and capacity. We have practised weighing with scales using grams, and will be moving on to kilograms next week. Can the children help you by measuring ingredients for your weekend cooking?!
Key Messages:
Key vocab: pollen transportation, pollination, fertilisation, seed dispersal, tactics, commander, fleet, scales, intervals
KIRFs: 4x table
Spellings: opposite, ordinary, particular, peculiar, perhaps, popular, position, possess
Key message 1: thanks so much to everyone for recording your reading sessions with your children in reading records. This is really helpful for us to see how they are doing at home, and we are seeing that those reading regularly with adults are making particularly impressive progress! Please do ensure to record your reading sessions.
Thank you!
*Key message 2: we’re seeking cardboard cylinders - kitchen rolls, toilet rolls, or packaging, for us to make lighthouses this week!
Year 4
We kick-started the penultimate week of the spring term with a visit from The Dogs Trust. This was a great opportunity to talk about the awareness we should show when interacting with both known and unknown furry friends. The children then had a workshop where they were able to act out a range of scenarios that they might come across in everyday life. Why not ask your child how to approach an unknown dog?
In history this week, we have explored the lifestyle of the Anlgo-Saxons in comparison to the lifestyle in Roman Britain. It was really useful to recap our knowledge of the Romans and utilise this to draw comparisons. The children are really excited to round this topic off next week when we look at Anglo-Saxon justice.
In science, we have been experimenting with volume and pitch using a variety of different instruments, while the classrooms did get very loud, the chance to explore and have scientific conversations was invaluable for the children. This will be great to set up for our final science investigation - creating sound effects for moving images, using everyday objects.
Key messages
Spelling: Homophones- there, their, they’re
Class Assembly: children will get their lines and lyrics to the song over the next coming week.