UKS2 News

Come and find out what UKS2 have been up to!
Year 5
We have worked further on The Tempest this week, starting by acting out scenes thinking about the stage directions and the way that we had to add expression and show how the characters were feeling. We then thought about what we had read and summarised it using a storyboard, thinking about what the key information and most important parts were to record. In maths, we have begun exploring area and perimeter and have looked at the perimeter of rectangles, rectilinear shapes and polygons. In science, we have been comparing rates of evaporation around different parts of the school, where do you think caused the water to evaporate the most? In history, we learnt about democracy in Ancient Greek times and how it influenced democracy in the current era. Next week we are looking forward to creative arts week, where we will be using inspiration from the story of Grandma and the Great Gourd for our artwork that will be on display at the exhibition on Friday next week.
Key Messages
We will be heading to the Globe on Tuesday. Please ensure your child has a warm jacket, lightweight backpack and lunch. We will be having a snack break at 10.45 and lunch at 1. All children will need to bring food with them.
Key vocab: dissolve, evaporation, democracy, destroyer
Spelling rule: words ending in ‘ise’
Kirf: fractions/decimals/percentage equivalents.
Year 6
This week in Year 6, in maths, we have been learning about how to transition between fractions, decimals and percentages. In English, we have been writing instructional texts based on the book we have been reading: The Explorer. In Science, we have been looking at periscopes, their history and how they work, reflecting light from one mirror to another. In History, we have been looking at the problems Britain faced in the Battle of Britain and how they were solved. In R.E, we have been learning about the different things churches do for the community. In P.E, we have been focusing on our striking skills and perfected our table-tennis techniques, such as serving.
Junior Citizen Trip: We also went on a very exciting trip to Holly Lodge, Richmond Park. Many public services came - such as the police, transport and ambulance services - to teach us about danger and important life threats, and how to deal with them. They were key lessons for us, especially as we are becoming more independent, moving on to Secondary. We definitely learnt a lot and had so much fun!
And that’s our week! By Ariadni and Emilie
Key Messages
Key vocab: significance, community, citizenship
Spelling rule: silent letters
KIRFs: square numbers and square roots