UKS2 News

Find out about the busy week UKS2 have had here!
Year 5
We have been enjoying STEM week and taking a welcome breather from the intense temperatures. On Wednesday, the year group was entertained and informed by an impactful presentation from the Royal Institution for Key Stage 2 children. We learnt about the science behind all sorts of interesting phenomena, such as the chemical in brussel sprouts, phenylthiocarbamide. This makes food taste either bitter, or is tasteless, depending on the genetic make-up of the taster. We heard about the ‘Lucky Iron Fish’ which can be used in cooking to boost household iron levels. One very lucky child took part in recreating Mr Jackson’s digestive system - he even helped create some deliciously disgusting waste, to everyone’s enjoyment. We have tested Leonhard Euler’s theorem, F + V - E = 2 on polyhedra in maths been thinking about Albedo, the amount of light reflected by, or absorbed by materials, in our two-part science lesson. The children have been working in pairs to design and build a solar-powered oven that heats up as much as possible to melt smores… mmmm: hands-on learning with a delicious after-taste! Well done to those who sold cakes on Wednesday for Alzheimer’s Society! They sold out of all their stock and raised close to £250! Thank you for supporting the sale.
Key Messages
Key vocab: converting units, remembrance, life on the home front, life stage, puberty
KIRFs: unit of measurement conversions
Please send materials into school w/c 3rd July for our water wheel construction
As children approach Year 6, we would like you all to be made aware of more information about the Year 6 residential in May. We will be hosting a talk to families to discuss this trip with you. This will be on Tuesday 18th July at 3:30pm. This will be hosted in school
Year 6
In Year 6 we have been thoroughly thrilled with our STEM week. In class, we learnt about viscosity (the thickness of a liquid) and how it affects the performance of bottle flips. We were also very lucky to have the Royal Institution come in. During the performance, everyone was so engaged and we mainly enjoyed the part about human waste. We were very lucky to watch ‘The Vineyard X-Factor’ on Thursday. All the children who performed showed of their musical talents, and we were blown away by their skills. Representing Year 6 was Liam from Kyanite class! Liam was performing Radioactive by Imagine Dragon and impressively won the Year 4-6 category. The production is really coming along very well, and we can’t wait to perform it to you all! We have been really focused on learning our lines and making sure we perform at all times. Next week we will have the stage up, ready to learn our stage directions.
Key Messages
Key vocab: Artefact, conception, market research and trade
Please fill out the consent form for our cinema trip by Monday 3rd July
PSHE lesson on conception is going to be on Monday 10th July- please contact Mrs Bracegirdle if you want to withdraw your child from this lesson
Festival of Sport - Wednesday 5th July 9:30 - 11:00
Year 6 Party organised by the adults - Friday 7th July