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UKS2 News

Read on to find out what we have been up to in Years 5 & 6 this week.

Year 5

Year 5 have returned to school after half-term with excitement and enthusiasm about their final weeks of Year 5. We are hoping it will be a half-term for them to remember for a long time to come. From preparing for their residential trip to meeting their new classes, there is a lot to look forward to.

This week, we have dived into our new history topic on World War 1. The children have been captivated by the stories and have started reading "War Horse" as part of our exploration in English. We've also discussed the impact of propaganda during the war and how it influenced people's perceptions and actions.

In science, we've been learning about the lifespan of humans. The children have enjoyed comparing the different stages of life and understanding how we grow and change over time. They were particularly interested in how different factors can affect our development and health.

Our RE lessons have focused on the theme of forgiveness in Christianity. We've had thoughtful discussions about what forgiveness means and why it is important. The children have shown great insight into how forgiveness can impact relationships and communities.

In preparation for our residential trip to Hooke Court, we've begun planning and discussing what to expect. The excitement is building as we talk about the activities we will do and the new experiences we will have. It's going to be a fantastic opportunity for the children to learn and grow outside the classroom.



Key Messages

  • Key vocab: propaganda, cavalry, decimal point, decimal places, alliance, lifespan, forgiveness, lunge, foetus, adolescent. 

  • KIRFS: conversions of metric measurements 

  • Spellings: Unstressed vowels in polysyllabic words

  • Wednesday 12th June - Hooke Court departure

  • Friday 14th June - Hooke court return


Year 6

Year 6 have settled back into routine very quickly and we can tell they are ready for their final half term at The Vineyard. It really will be a half term for them to remember for a long time to come. From the production, to the enterprise project, exciting trips, new history and geography topics, transition activities and much more there really is a lot to pack in. 

We have got straight in with our production and have spent time this week finalising the script and allocating parts. Children have already engaged well with rehearsals especially the songs. They are indeed very catchy! 

In DT, we have been busy planning our model fairground ride. We discussed fairground rides we have been on or seen and focused on looking at the movements they make. Children then worked effectively in groups to design an eye-catching ride ensuring that they considered their audience. We will be creating these rides on Monday and spending the whole day constructing them. Look out for pictures on Instagram next week! 

Mobile phone/online safety is really important for Y6 children to be aware of so we have spent time in PSHE discussing how they should behave online and how they speak to people online. In groups, children then came up with dos and don’ts for how to communicate online. They had really mature discussions about how to avoid being misunderstood and how their communication online may be different to in person. 

We will be setting homework again and the children have a maths sheet due on Monday. This is to help keep their skills ticking over and to aid preparation for September.



Key Messages