UKS2 News
Come and find out what UKS2 have been up to this week.
Year 5
The year group has embarked on its new text. The Highwayman, the 1906 narrative poem by Alfred Noyes. We used Julia Donaldson’s The Highway Rat as a fun, accessible way into the longer poem. In The Highway Man we have learning about tone intonation and pace. The children are working well with their fractions and multiplication and have been focusing on the presentation of their book work. In science we have learning about the properties of materials and designing tests for what we think is the best food packaging and cleaning materials. In art we have been weaving landscapes like the beach, a mountain etc. In PE we have been doing gymnastics and lacrosse.
Key Messages:
Jewellery is not allowed in school. Please don’t allow necklaces as this can pose a danger in PE
Thank you for your support with sending healthy break snacks
Thanks also to those who have volunteered to hear children read at school
Key vocabulary: narrative poem, fact, opinion, stanza
Year 6
This week started with a packed day of mock SATS tests for Reading and Spelling and Grammar. We all worked so hard to show off the progress we’ve made in the last couple of months. We have also started exploring a new text - ‘The Listeners’, a poem by Walter de la Mare. In science, we have been learning about different sources of renewable and non-renewable energy. We discussed the benefits and drawbacks of each one and thought about what we would choose as the best energy source to power the country’s electricity. This week in maths some of us have been getting confident with using all 4 operations when solving fraction problems and are moving on to look at metric measures and how to convert units of measurement. Others have been continuing our learning about ratio. In art, we have been planning our final print designs inspired by the Japanese print artist, Hokusai. We have thought about the different tools and techniques that we want to use and can’t wait to get printing next week! On Friday, we are off on an exciting trip to the Globe theatre linked to our recent English learning about Macbeth. We can’t wait to see Shakespeare's world brought to life!
Key Messages
Next week we will be printing in art on these days: Jet - Monday, Kyanite - Wednesday and Garnet - Thursday. Please send your child to school with an old t-shirt to protect their clothing
Key vocabulary: renewable/non-renewable. From the poem ‘The Listeners’, we have learnt the words perplexed and smote.
Osmington Bay parent meeting- Tuesday 7th March at 3:30pm in the small hall